Specific Side Effects
It is important to remember that most people have no long-term problems due to chemotherapy. It is also reassuring to know that health care providers are making great progress in preventing some of chemotherapy's more serious side effects. For instance, they are using many new drugs and techniques that increase chemotherapy's powerful effects on cancer cells while decreasing its harmful effects on healthy cells. There are also medications that can help stop or reduce nausea and vomiting.The side effects of chemotherapy can be unpleasant, but they must be measured against the treatment's ability to destroy cancer. You might consider chemotherapy as a temporary time of discomfort that will increase your chances for a better lifestyle and better health when the treatment is over. SPECIFIC SIDE EFFECTS MAY INCLUDE: Nausea and vomiting Hair loss Fatigue Infection Blood clotting problems Mouth and throat sores Diarrhea Constipation Nerve and muscle effects Effects on skin and nails Kidney and bladder effects Flu-like syndrome Fluid retention Sexual effects, both physical and psychological |