Microbial Ecology Resources: Books
Title: Biology of Microorganisms (7th Edition)
Author: Brock,Thomas D.; Michael T. Madigan; John M. Martinko; and Jack Parker
Media Type: Book
Description: This textbook on microbiology was written by microbial ecologists, who do an excellent job of discussing microbes in the environment. Quoting from their brochure: "For 25 years and six editions, Biology of Microorganisms has been THE source for general microbiology. Now, with the help of the two new co-authors, an expanded art program, and the most up-to-date applications, the Seventh Edition preserves this tradition of excellence and makes this best-seller better than ever."
Audience: high school, college
Date Published: 1994
Publisher: Prentice Hall
In the U.S.A.: Prentice Hall 113 Sylvan Avenue, Route 9W Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632 In Canada: Prentice Hall Canada - College Division 1870 Birchmount Road Scarborough, Ontario MIP 2J7
Phone: in Canada: (416) 293-3621
Fax: in Canada: (416) 299-2539