Global Connections
South America Field Trip
- Grade level: Upper Elementary, Middle and High School
- Subject Area: Foreign Language - Spanish
Brief Description
Whole group discuss the Spanish-speaking country in
South America. From library or WWW resources in team work, students will get
general/profound knowledge about the Hispanich countries in the area.
- Students will learn how to use library or Internet resources to chosen
- Students will comprehend the collected information.
- Students will structure the information with texts and graphics for
- Students will share their research with whole group.
Materials and Resources Needed
- Hardware requirement: several PCs or Macintoshes with color monitors
printer(s), CD-ROM.
- Software requirement: Operating system (MacOs, Window, Dos, Windows/95,
etc.), application software (ClarisWorks, MS word, etc.), and WWW browsers
(Netscape, etc.)
- Network/Internet requirement: telephone lines, high-speed modems (14,400 or
above), Web browser: Netscape or others.
Activity Description
- Ask students to pick up listed countries according to their interests.
- Divide class into small groups with different topics. Notice group size.
- Give studnets the bookmarks or book lists to do research on their topics.
- Allow students to read these information individually or with small group.
- Ask students to discuss the structure of collected information for the
preparation of presentation.
- Reconvene as a whole group and have each group share what they researched
with whole group.
- Assign student to write down their general and special impression on these
countries as homework.
Internet Resources
- Latin
This web site from Yahoo search engine offers a rich information about these
countries in Latin America. For students to find the Spanish-speaking countries
will find the site helpful for their research.
- Latin America on
the Net - Countries
The web site from "LatinWorld" server introduces most Spanish-speaking coutries
in Latin America from different perspectives like general information, culture,
education and research, Internet resources, and news. The countries are as
- Argentina
- Bolivia
- Chile
- Columbia
- Ecuador
- Paraguay
- Peru
- Uruguay
- Venezuela
- Bolivian
This site offers some sound files for PC version to have readers have chance to
listen to the musical variety and richness of the music from
- Literature
The web page lists the most famous literati in Argentian, including Jorge Luis
Borges, Ernesto Sabato, etc.