Lesson One
Portfolio Planning
- Grade Level: Elementary, Middle School, High School
- Subject Area: All subject areas
Students critically review their work, making selections to be placed in their Web portfolios.
ObjectivesStudents will:
- Critically reflect on the work they have created over a given time period.
- Identify areas in their work where they need to develop and grow.
Materials and ResourcesIn developing our lessons and activities, we made some assumptions about the hardware and software that would be available in the classroom for teachers who visit the LETSNet Website. We assume that teachers using our Internet-based lessons or activities have a computer with the necessary hardware components (mouse, keyboard, and monitor) as well as a World Wide Web browser. In the section below, we specify any "special" hardware or software requirements for a lesson or activity (in addition to those described above) and the level of Internet access required to do the activity.
- Special hardware requirements: None.
- Special software requirements: None.
- Internet access: None.
Activity Description
- At the beginning of the year or marking period design a system for students to collect samples of their work. Depending on the subject area, you may ask students to collect samples of their rough and final drafts of writing, art projects, math problems, and other types of work. Discuss with students that their work will be saved for compiling a Web portfolio.
- Periodically have students spend time reflecting on samples of their work and selecting ones to be included in their portfolios. Students should be encouraged to select examples of both good work and work that could have been better. As part of their review, students should write brief explanations of why they have included each piece in their portfolio.
- Items that students select for their portfolios should be digitized: writing samples and portfolio reflections either should be scanned or typed into a word processing program and other works should be scanned. Have students save their electronic portfolio pieces either in folders on the hard drive or on individual floppy disks.
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