return to space shuttle mission
We did not experience the Mars Mission as an actual timed simulation with roles and scripts. The group had already been through three missions the last two days, and so for Mars we were talked through what a mission was like and engaged in some of the activities. The difference between this kind of casual, informative tour versus a timed simulation is dramatic. You will notice people joking and laughing and chatting in the video. Depending on your position, there is little time for that in a real mission. It showed me why I needed to do an actual simulation in addition to the explanations to have a feel for the Space Camp experience kids go through.
Mission to Mars has its own building. Kids start in a disney-like simular ride to get to Mars. They emerge and enter the Mars Lab (I think that's what it's called. I wimped out and didn't go on the ride, so I didn't see or hear the intro.)
Mars Mission Position Assignments include
Surface Team Leader
Lab Team Leader
Soil Analyst 1 & 2
Biochemist 1&2
Physicist 1&2
Geochemist 1&2
Geological Specialist 1&2
Terraforming Specialist 1&2
The surface team goes down the ladder through the airlock and onto the surface -- a delightfully Martian environment with hard painted rocks and landscapes long the walls and dark reddish lighting. They have divided the surface into four quadrands, marked by golf-course like flags. Surface scientists gather soil and rock samples from each quadrant to bring to the lab for analysis. Terraformers measure the topography of the quadrants, working with scientists in the lab to take the measurements. Physicists take core samples and look at layering and density.
It's really good science, organized into meaningful experiments and measurements, in a real-feeling environment. It was great fun to be luxurious observers of this well orchestrated experience.
Mission to Mars building
Red-eyed Martians complete simulator ride home to Mars
A chemist/guide gives instructions
Soil Analysis station on Mars Dome
Soil samples from four Mars quadrants
Terraforming Workstation in Mars Dome
Two windows into the airllock on the Mars station.
(two photographers meet)
Radiation-protection glove experiment station in Mars dome