Esther's Assessment

Who I am

Inoperable cancer

I saw the surgeon

My son-in-law researched

Why not in Florida?

My pain

Doctors don't know

Esther's Assessment

Living an active life in retirement, Esther thought her back pain was a pulled muscle. When she couldn't ignore the pain any longer, she was told she had inoperable cancer, but got little help from her physicians in deciding the next move. It took research and intervention from her doctor son-in-law to find a surgeon with the experience needed to save Esther's life.

As was mentioned before, I have a chronic problem. I've had back surgery. I will always have back pain but nothing like this. I mean, I was useless. I didn't cook. I didn't clean. I didn't go back to my work. I can't begin to tell people what's happened to me since I've gone back on medication.

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