When you die, do you want to be at home? |
If the answer is yes, does your health care team think that can be managed?
Will your family be comfortable with that?
If your death will occur in a hospital or nursing home environment: |
Have you taken steps to make sure it comes peacefully, without CPR, or other interventions?
Have you made arrangements to allow those you want at your bedside to be there?
Do you know who you want to see before you die? Who would you like to have with you when you die? |
Have you told those people you want them to be present?
* Have you asked them if they feel comfortable doing so?
Are there rituals from religious or family tradition or from some other source that you want to have performed around the time of your death? Have you contacted those who would need to be involved? |
Is there anything you want to add to the environment around you, such as candles or changes in lighting, special readings, or music you would like to have playing? |
Have you thought about your choices regarding burial, cremation, and organ donation? |
Have you thought about what you would like to happen at a funeral or memorial service? Spoken with family, friends, or a funeral director about your wishes? Picked out music or readings? |
Do you have questions about the very end of the dying process, about what happens to the body and what you may experience? Read Signs that Death Is Near. |