Completing a Life Resources and Related Sites |
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Related Sites |
The American Hospice Foundation supports programs that serve the needs of terminally ill and grieving individuals of all ages |
General Resources |
Dying Well: Peace and Possibilities at the End of Life, by Ira Byock, M.D. Riverhead Books, New York, 1997. |
Dying Well |
Final Passages: Positive Choices for the Dying and their Loved Ones, by Judith Ahronheim, M.D. and Doron Weber. Simon & Schuster, New York, 1992. |
Final Thoughts |
Growth House |
Handbook for Mortals, by Joanne Lynn, M.D. and Joan Harrold, M.D., Oxford University Press, New York, Oxford, 1999. |
Handbook for Mortals (online excerpts) |
On Our Own Terms |
Peaceful Dying: The Step-by-Step Guide to Preserving Your Dignity, Your Choice, and Your Inner Peace at the End of Life, by Daniel R. Tobin, M.D. with Karen Lindsey. Perseus Books, Reading, Massachusetts, 1999
To Die Well: A Holistic Approach for the Dying and their Caregivers, by Richard Reoch, HarperPerennial, New York, 1996. |
Walking the Advanced Illness Road (The National Center for Advanced Illness Coordinated Care) |
Pain Resources |
American Pain Foundation |
Easing Cancer Pain |
Stop Pain |
You Dont Have to Suffer: A Complete Guide to Relieving Cancer Pain for Patients and their Families, by Susan S. Lang and Richard B. Patt, M.D., Oxford University Press, New York, Oxford, 1994. |
Hospice and Palliative Care Resources |
Hospice Cares Online Community |
The Hospice Choice: In Pursuit of a Peaceful Death, by Marcia Lattanzi-Licht with John J. Mahoney and Galen W. Miller. Fireside, New York, 1998. |
Hospice Foundation of America |
The Hospice Handbook, by Larry Beresford. Little, Brown and Company, Boston, Toronto, London, 1993. |
Hospice Net |
National Hospice Foundation
National Hospice Foundation brochures available online and by phone (800-338-8619): |
Selecting a Hospice Program |
Communicating Your End-of-Life Wishes |
The Medicare Hospice Benefit |
Advance Directives Resources |
Aging with Dignity/Five Wishes (888-5-WISHES) |
Partnership for Caring |
US Living Will Registry |
Organ Donation Resources |
Coalition on Donation
Brochure by phone (800-355-7427) |
Diseases |
Cancer Resources |
American Cancer Society (800-ACS-2345) |
CancerCare brochure available online and by phone
(800-813-HOPE) |
A Helping Hand: A Resource Guide for People with Cancer |
National Cancer Institutes CancerNet |
Dementia Resources |
Alzheimers Association (800-272-3900) |
Heart Disease Resources |
American Heart Association |
American Heart Association: Living with Heart Failure |
HIV/AIDS Resources |
The Body: An AIDS and HIV Information Resource |
Kidney Disease Resources |
National Kidney Foundation (800-622-9010) |
National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney Diseases |
Liver Disease Resources |
American Liver Foundation |
Lung Disease Resources |
American Lung Association |
Neuromuscular Disease Resources |
ALS Association
(Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Lou Gehrigs Disease)
(800-782-4747) |
Financial, Insurance, Legal Resources |
Eldercare Online |
Funeral and Memorial Societies of America/Funeral Consumers Alliance |
HELP (Healthcare & Elder Law Program) |
Medicare (800-MEDICARE / 800-633-4227) |
National Center for Home Equity Conversion
US Department of Housing and Urban Development
(888-466-3487) |
Communication Resources |
Talking with Your Doctor: A Guide for Older People
National Institute on Aging
Order by phone (800-222-2225) |
Children Resources |
How to Help Children Through a Parents Serious Illness, by Kathleen McCue, MA, CCLS, with Ron Bonn. St. Martins Press, New York, 1994. |
Ethical Wills Resources |
Ethical Wills: Preserving Your Legacy of Values |
Caregiving Resources |
Caregiver Survival Resources |
Caregiving: Hospice-Proven Techniques for Healing Body and Soul, by Douglas C. Smith. Macmillan, New York, 1997. |
Eldercare Locator (800-677-1116) |
"I Dont Know What to Say
": How to Help and Support Someone Who Is Dying, by Dr. Robert Buckman, with contributions by Ruth Gallop, RN and Rev. John Martin. Little, Brown and Company, Boston, 1989. |
National Alliance for Caregiving |
National Family Caregivers Association |
Web of Care |