Microbial Ecology Resources: Books
Microbial Ecology Resources: Books
Title: Illustrated Glossary of Protoctista
Author: Margulis, Lynn; Heather McKhann; and Lorraine Olendzenski
Media Type: Book
Description: "Indispensable for all investigators, instructors, and students who deal with eukaryotic microorganisms, this comprehensive guide contains the latest information available on the protists and their descendants (exclusive of the animals, fungi, and plants)/ It represents an abbreviated version of Handbook of Protoctista (Margulis, et al., 1990). Newly illustrated, this essential reference will be an especially useful tool for biochemists, botanists, ecologists, cell and molecular biologists, medical researchers, microbiologists, mycologists, paleontologists, parasitologists, phycologists, protistologists, and zoologists." ~ from the back cover.
Audience: college
Date Published: 1993
Publisher: Jones and Bartlett Publishers International
One Exeter Plaza Boston, MA 02116
Cost: $67