Microbial Ecology Resources: Software
Microbial Ecology Resources: Software
Title: Environmental Design Making (EDM)
Author: Odum, Elisabeth C.; H.T. Odum; and Nils S. Peterson
Media Type: Software
Description: This is a part of the BioQuest Library on CD-ROM. "With EDM, students use 'connect-the-components' visual programming tools to create and study model ecosystems. Students build models of increasing complexity, which can include social and economic forces, and study parameter variations to gain understandings of ecosystem functionality and productivity." ~ by the authors
E-mail: asdg@umdd.umd.edu
Audience: Students
Date Published: 1994
Publisher: The BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium
The ePress Project Academic Software Development Group Computer Science Center , Building 224 University of Maryland College Park , MD 20742
Phone: 301-405-7600
Fax: 301-314-9220
Cost: $99
Computer System Requirements: Apple Macintosh with 2.5 Mbytes RAM (in System 6.0.5) or 4 Mbytes RAM (with system 7). CD-ROM drive.