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Project Name: Ameritech Technology Program for Arts & Culture
Application: Internet
Curriculum Integration
Distance Learning
Audience/Level: Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Academic Area: Arts
Description: This competitive grant program is for arts and cultural institutions in Ameritech's five-state region. The program is designed to bridge technology with art programs that are rich in cultural diversity, provide broad educational experiences and enhance the quality of life for customers, shareowners and employees. In 1997, more than $530,000 was contributed to five arts and cultural organizations in the five states.

Winning Grants:

Akron (OH) Art Museum
The Akron Art Museum established an Internet web site that provides access to two hundred of the most important works in the Museum's collection. These images are linked to text records from the Museum and collaborating partner, The University of Akron's libraries, to enhance the understanding and appreciation of art. The project empowers teachers to integrate the technology into their teaching and to reach out to regional school systems through projects such as the University of Akron's distance learning classrooms.

Chicago (IL) Children's Museum
The Chicago Children's Museum's Energy Detectives Program uses energy and the environment to demonstrate how to use technology to enhance learning. Targeted to children in the fifth grade at two Chicago-area schools, the program teaches using on-line field trips and distance learning experiences. By presenting students with a real world problem, they are able to effect a positive solution and begin to apply the principles to global issues.

Detroit (MI) Historical Society
The Detroit Historical Society developed the Education Resources On-Line project, which uses its current Internet site to: provide expanded educational resources to students and educators; teach history of Southeastern Michigan; and help teachers use information technology more effectively. This was a collaboration with the Henry Ford Museum- Greenfield Village, Wayne County Regional Educational Service Agency, and Detroit Public Schools.

Indianapolis (IN) Museum of Art
The Indianapolis Museum of Arts will have a state-of-the-art, distance learning exhibition called "The King of the World: The Padshahama." The project is a collaborative effort with cultural and educational institutions in Indianapolis to integrate with the state's seventh-grade history and geography curricula. The program reaches regional and international audiences and will create a model, distance learning program for the Museum's permanent collection.

Milwaukee (WI) Art Museum
The Milwaukee Public School's Distance Learning Network and Video Conference User's Group was chosen for its proposal to develop the technology and content for distance learning programs. The project brings the immediacy of the visual arts into the classroom, where it can be tied to all areas of the curriculum and enrich learning for diverse audiences.

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