You've made it to the Outpost - a safe haven for explorers of the Internet. Whether you are a parent, student, teacher, librarian, or administrator, the Outpost has a wealth of resources for learning in the classroom and at home.
The Outpost is a foothold, a place to plant a flag and begin your exploration of the vast information on the Internet. The Outpost is a meeting place where you can exchange success stories of teaching and learning with technology. The Outpost leads you to opportunities, showing where to learn about and apply for awards and grants. And the Outpost offers guidance and valuable insights based on Ameritech's expertise with technology.
Treasures of the Internet
Explore this rich collection of student, educator, and family Internet resources that have been collected, categorized and described for you. |
Commitment to Education
Benefit from and learn about some of the many exciting projects Ameritech supports. Explore our projects and understand our philosophy.
Innovation Exchange
Discover innovative ideas for using communications technologies. If you are an educator or student in the Ameritech 5-state area, submit your innovative ideas for fantastic rewards in our ongoing contests.
Technology Advisor
Find the right resources for your growing technology needs. Explore planning assistance, Ameritech's products and services, national standards for technology and education, and funding advice.
What's in the News
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