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Project Name: Ameritech Economic Education Technology Project (http://www.economicsamerica.org/econed)
Application: Internet
Distance Learning
Audience/Level: Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Academic Area: Economics
Description: The Ameritech Economic Education Technology Project was developed through a grant to the National Council on Economic Education. Utilizing communications technologies such as the Internet and distance learning, the project provides economics education workshops and curricula to school districts, teachers, and students located in Ameritech's five-state region.

Five State Implementation Plan:

  1. Illinois conducted distance learning workshops for Illinois teachers on standards and best practices, stock market curricula, and virtual economics workshops. In cooperation with the Federal Reserve Bank in Chicago, the Illinois Council offered distance learning graduate courses in "Money and Banking", a video conference broadcast of the Federal Reserve Bank's Mid-Winter Economic Education Conference to remote sites, and utilized the existing REACH-Net web site and collaborative workgroup software to develop interactive learning projects between inter-city classrooms and schools outside the city. Ten new EconomicsAmerica schools were recruited and curriculum materials were provided through the grant allocations.
  2. Indiana offered two distance learning Standards and Best Practices Workshops for EconomicsAmerica to Indiana coordinators and teachers. In addition, the Indiana Council conducted five regional distance learning in-service workshops that included action plans, review of progress and pre and post testing of students at twenty pilot high school sites. Ten new EconomicsAmerica schools were recruited with curriculum materials provided through the grant allocations.
  3. Michigan provided four interactive video workshops introducing EconomicsAmerica materials and programs to Michigan teachers. In addition, they conducted three-hour hands-on technology workshops reaching 1500 school buildings that introduced the EconomicsAmerica technology-related programs and services. Two distance learning Standards and Best Practices workshops were held. The Michigan Council also maintained and increased teacher use of the MICHECON Listserv.
  4. Ohio offered two graduate level courses delivered through university-based distance learning centers that target 4-6 grade teachers for professional development in economics education The Ohio Council also delivered teacher in-service programs using the EconomicsAmerica curricula to Tech Prep, community college instructors, and vocational school teachers. Additionally, a multi-state elementary workshop was held in 1998 to share instructional talent and specialized knowledge. Two distance learning Standards and Best Practices workshops were held and ten new EconomicsAmerica schools were recruited and provided with curricula materials.
  5. Wisconsin offered a series of six regional workshops for high school economics teachers on using technology to improve economics classes. A three-day training program was offered on the use of technology in delivering economics education programs. A Listserv was created for EconomicsAmerica coordinators and high school economics teachers. A number of distance learning workshops and receptions were developed and ten new EconomicsAmerica schools were recruited.

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