Looking for ways to fund your technology efforts? You have come to the right place. A wealth of funding resources are collected here to help you expand your ideas for integrating communications technologies into your environment.
Ameritech's 1998 Contributions Guidelines include:
- Why Ameritech Contributes
- 1997 in Review
- Criteria for Giving
- Interests and Priorities
- Health & Human Services
- Civic and Community
- Elementary and Secondary Education
- Higher Education
- Arts & Culture
- Ineligible Organizations and Programs
- Telecommunications Services
- Application Procedures
The complete guidelines are available by clicking here.
The Distance Learning Funding Sourcebook, Fourth Edition, by Arlene Krebs is a guide to foundation, corporate and government support for telecommunications and New Media.
This book includes:
- Detailed information on numerous funding agencies
- Listings of recently awarded telecommunications and technology grants
- Contact names, addresses, telephone numbers, application guidelines, e-mail and Internet resources
The 9 chapters are titled:
- Foundations
- Corporate Giving Programs
- Regional Bell and Local Telephone Companies
- The Cable Television Industry
- Federal Government Agencies
- A Guide to Intellectual Property and Distance Learning
- Grantwriting for Success
- Internet and Multimedia Resources
- Print References
Visit the Funding $ourcebook's Web Site (http://www.technogrants.com) to learn about major funding trends, priorities, and ordering information.
The Funding $ourcebook is supported by research grants from Ameritech and Sony Electronics.
Below is a list of some of the funding resources available on the web.
- Grants and Other (People's) Money
- keeps a great list of available grants and expiration dates. This site concentrates on science, math, engineering, and educational technology. From NASA. (http://quest.arc.nasa.gov/top/grants.html)
- IDEAS - Initiative to Develop Education through Astronomy and Space
- is a grant program that funds startup educational outreach projects teaming educators with scientists. Funding for IDEAS grants is available up to $40,000. Developed by NASA. (http://origins.stsci.edu/origins/sci/funding.html)
- LearnNet
- is the FCC's informal education page. Check the What's New section to keep current on Universal Service. (http://www.fcc.gov/learnnet)
- Math Education Trust (MET)
- funds special projects to enhance the teaching and learning of mathematics. Seven awards are based on proposals submitted by individual applicants. Established by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). (http://www.nctm.org/about/met.1998.html)
- National Endowment for the Humanities
- tells you what is funded, who is eligible, how to apply, and important deadlines. (http://www.neh.fed.us/html/applying.html)
- National Science Foundation Grant Page
- contains funding opportunities, deadlines and target dates, awards, and help with proposal preparation. (http://www.nsf.gov/home/grants.htm)
- Resource Guide to Federal Funding For Technology in Education
- lists technology grants and programs from the Department of Education. (http://www.ed.gov/Technology/tec-guid.html)
- U.S. Department of Education - Grants & Contracts Information
- contains applications, regulations, proposed and final rules, RFPs, upcoming grant programs and information for new grants seekers. (http://ocfo.ed.gov/)
- Universal Service Info - from Education and Libraries Network Coalition - EdLiNC
- offers updates on Universal Service, planning help, free publications, and more. (http://www.edlinc.org)
- Universal Service Info - from National Exchange Carrier Association (NECA)
- provides instructions to determine rural/non-rural status using the Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) list, and more. (http://www.neca.org/)
- Universal Service Info - from Schools and Libraries Corp.
- provides information on eligibility, eligible services, applications, discounts, classifying urban and rural locations technology plans. (http://www.slcfund.org/reference/FAQ/basic_q_a.asp)
- What Should I Know About ED Grants?
- explains discretionary grants, the application process, criteria, scoring, responsibilities and reporting. From the U.S. Department of Education. (http://www.ed.gov/pubs/KnowAbtGrants/)