2.7.4 Project ScienceSpace: How VR Aids Complex Conceptual
Human Factors and Applied Cognitive Psychology
Graduate School of Education
Virtual Environment Technology Lab
Computer Science
George Mason University and University of Houston [14]
This group is interested in applying VR for envisioning
abstract phenomena -- to help students reify or perceptualize abstract
models. Specifically in the realm of physics, perceptions and conceptions
of physics phenomena are often incorrect. NewtonWorld (nature of mass,
acceleration, momentum as well as Newton's laws and laws of conservation)
addresses areas of common misconception for physics students, MaxwellWorld
and PaulingWorld have been designed to aid users in understanding abstract
information spaces.
They focus on three VR features to maximize the learning
of abstract models: 3D immersion can support more learning than 2D;
multiple and flexible frames of reference (FORs, or, spatial metaphors),
and multisensory cues also enhance learning. They posit a model of how
VR features impact learning outcomes, mediated by learner characteristics,
the particular concept to be learned, and also the characteristics of
the learning experience. For example. Flexible frames of reference increase
motivation. Simulator sickness and poor usability inhibit learning.
To construct new worlds, these designers rely on a combination
of domain expertise, educational research and research with students
to identify the concepts they want to teach and to understand learner
needs. Within that domain they select the concepts most suitable for
the VR environment.
The research included both small and large samples. Nine
students evaluated NewtonWorld initially. The prototype testing resulted
in revisions to the design including addition of sound and tactile cues,
energy cues to represent velocity and energy, and additional points
of reference in the scene. They discovered that designing for learning
an designing for interaction is not always congruous tasks. Next they
conducted a survey of 107 physics educators and researchers who were
experts in the field. Teacher feedback resulted in more iterative changes
in the design of Maxwell's World. Thirty high school students participated
in the next phase of research, using a range of user interface devices
to perform a series of typical and critical tasks, thinking aloud as
they did them and then completing a questionnaire. The research project
began with a model, implemented a learning experience, and tested prototypes
iteratively revising after each phase of data collection.
This group analyzed four dimensions: Learner characteristics;
Interaction Experience; Interaction Experience repetition and Learning.
They considered VR Features and the interaction experience as well as
learner characteristics and the interaction experience.