Getting the help you need

Regulation of controlled substances

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Getting the help you need

It can be difficult to get good treatment for cancer pain. Even after you face your own concerns about pain relief and medication, you may also run up against your health care provider's attitudes about pain relief. You and your family should be prepared to describe your pain to your health care team and to seek pain relief as part of cancer treatment.

Faced with insurance concerns or with health professionals less familiar with pain management, you and your family may need help finding the resources for care. Good places to seek such help include:

the American Cancer Society Information Line at 1-800-ACS-2345

your state Cancer Pain Initiative (if you need help finding it, contact the Resource Center for State Cancer Pain Initiatives at (608) 265-4013 or

your health care team may be able to get assistance with medication costs through local representatives of pharmaceutical companies.

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