John sherry
Principal Investigator, Comm Tech Lab
Assistant Professor, Department of Communication
Dr. Sherry teaches a variety of courses on the effects of mass media.
He is currently teaching a course on the effects of educational
media. His research focuses on the uses and effects of video games.
He is interested in the cognitive processes that facilitate flow
experiences during game play and how those differ between girls
and boys. He is also involved in starting a games research group
at the International Communication Association. He joins the Comm
Tech Lab in fall 2004 when he returned to MSU as an assistant professor
of Communication. After several years of adding to his vitae, John
joins the College in the fall.
Selected Journal Article:
Sparks, G., Sherry, J. L., & Lubsen,
G. (in press). The Appeal of Media Violence in a Full-Length Motion
Picture: An Experimental Investigation. Communication Reports.
Sherry, J. L. (2004). Media enjoyment and flow. Communication Theory,
14(4) ,
Lucas, K., & Sherry, J. L. (2004). Sex differences in video
game play: A communication-based explanation. Communication Research,
31, 499 - 523.
Sherry, J. L. (2003). Media effects theory and the nature/nurture
debate: A historical overview and implications for future research.
Media Psychology, 6(1) .
Sherry, J. L. (2002). Media saturation and entertainment-education.
Communication Theory, 12(2), 206-224.
Sherry, J. L. (2001). Toward an etiology of media use motivations:
The role of temperament in media use. Communication Monographs,
68(3) , 274-288.
Sherry, J. L. (2001). The effects of violent video games on aggression:
A meta-analysis. Human Communication Research. 27(3) , 409-431.
Selected Competitive Papers Delivered
at Professional Meetings:
Sherry, J., Holmstrom, A., Binns, R., Greenberg, B., & Lachlan,
K. (2003). “Gender Differences in Video Game Use and Preferences
“. Mass Communication Division, National Communication Association
Annual Convention, Miami, FL.
Sparks, G., Sherry, J., & Lubsen, G. (2003). “The Appeal
of Movie Violence: An Experiment”. Research Division, Broadcast
Education Association Annual Convention, Las Vegas, NV.
Sherry, J., Desouza, R., & Holmstrom, A. (2003). “The
Appeal of Violent Video Games in Children”. Research Division,
Broadcast Education Association Annual Convention, Las Vegas, NV.
Sherry, J., Desouza, R., Greenberg, B., & Lachlan, K. (2003).
"Relationship between Developmental Stages and Video Game Uses
and Gratifications, Game Preference and Amount of Time spent in
Play". Instructional and Developmental Communication Division,
Top 3 paper, International Communication Association Annual Convention,
San Diego, CA.
Sherry, J., & Lucas, K. (2003). "Video Game Uses and Gratifications
as Predictors of Use and Game Preference". Mass Communication
Division, International Communication Association Annual Convention,
San Diego, CA.
Lucas, K. & Sherry, J. L. (2003). “Sex Differences Among
Young Adults’ Video Game Use and Preference”. Mass Communication
Division, National Communication Association Annual Convention,
New Orleans, LA.
Sherry, J. L., Curtis, J., and Sparks, G. (2001). "Arousal
Transfer or Priming? Individual Differences in Physiological Reactivity
to Violent and Non-Violent Video Games ". Theme Session Paper,
International Communication Association Annual Convention, Washington,
Sherry, J. L., Lucas, K., Rechtsteiner, S., Brooks, C., & Wilson,
B. (2001). “Video Game Uses and Gratifications as Predictors
of Use and Game Preference”. Theme Session Paper, International
Communication Association Annual Convention, Washington, D.C.
Sherry, J. L., & Sparks, G. (2001). "Setting an Agenda
for Video Game Research: An Interactive Panel". Theme Session
Panel organizer and chair, International Communication Association
Annual Convention, Washington, D.C.
Sherry, J. L. (1999). "Communication and the Nature/Nurture
Debate: A History of Theory". Theme Session Paper, International
Communication Association Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA
Sherry, J. L. (1999). "The Nature/Nurture Debate: Implications
for Communication Theory". Theme Session Panel organizer and
chair, International Communication Association Annual Convention,
San Francisco, CA
Related URLs:
Course Offerings:
399 Educational Media
Ph.D. Mass Media PhD Program , Michigan
State University, 1998
M.F.A. School of Film , Ohio University, 1992
M.A. Department of Communication , Wayne State University, 1992
B.A. Department of English , Wayne State University,1986