Fantastic Food Challenge
The Fantastic Food Challenge is a compact disc (CD-ROM) with a set of educational, digital games. The games are designed to motivate young adults to learn about nutrition, food safety, food preparation and comparing food prices. It has the potential to provide education to a large number of individuals through fun, engaging game play.
Click here to learn
Browser WEB and Personal Communicator CD-ROM
The Personal Communicator, winner of the
1995 Software Innovation of the Year Award from Discover Magazine,
is a user friendly program that converts text to signs. It is
a useful tool for exploring and learning more than 2500 ASL signs
representing more than 4500 English words. (It does not translate
English to ASL syntax, nor does it teach ASL syntax.) The American
Sign Language Browser web site re-uses the signing videos and
explanations of how the signs are formed in a straightforward
user interface for viewing one sign at a time.
Click here to learn
Microbe Zoo WEB and CD-ROM
The Microbe Zoo invites young people to actively
explore the hidden world of microbes through an appealing, fun interface.
Rather than visit the "Lion House" or the "Monkey
House," learners go to microbe habitats such as dirt, water,
and inside of humans and animals. At the "Snack Shop,"
you can look at the microbes that live in snacks, rather than eating
here to learn more.
Penalty High School Curriculum WEB
Two parallel sites, one for teachers and
one for students offer a curriculum designed for upper middle and
high school students in such courses as social studies, history,
civics, US Government, ethics, public speaking, and current events.
Students will find an innovative and interactive web site that is
ideally suited for classroom use involving group work, class discussion,
and independent exploration and reflection. Teachers will find detailed
lesson plans and teacher introductions to each area. This site has
won numerous awards for content, design, and educational value.
here to learn more.
4-H Children's Garden Kids' Tour WEB
The 4-H Children's Garden Kids' Tour is a
model of elegant integration of virtual and real worlds, visually
rich, filled with interactivity, explorations, stories, garden sign
language, other fun learning experiences for K-6, and tips for teachers,
deeply integrated with the real garden.
here to learn more.
4-H Children's Garden WEB
The 4H Children's Garden is a popular spot
for school field trips and visitors during the garden’s growing
season, late May to late August. Our goal is to elegantly integrate
technology to extend the benefits of the garden to make it accessible
worldwide, anytime day or night, winter or summer. Online you'll
find learning games and stories just for kids as well as information
for parents and teachers.
here to learn more.
Problems CD-ROM
Elementary school kids are encouraged to
help Dr. Norm and his friend, the Bee, with problems some plants
in the Children's Garden are having. You'll get to do some way cool
science as you figure out what the plant problem is. Then explore
possible solutions, looking at how those solutions affect frogs,
butterflies, dragonflies, humans and plants. Pick a solution and
print out your lab report.
here to learn more.

Mammalian Brain Collections
This web site provides visitors with images
and information from one of the world's largest collections of well-preserved,
sectioned and stained brains of mammals. Viewers can see and download
photographs of brains of over 100 different species of mammals (including
humans) representing 17 mammalian orders. How brain evolution has
occurred is discussed, as well as a variety of issues in brain science.
here to visit the site
Identity Explorer: Immigration Interactive CD-ROM
Developed for Michigan State University and
McGraw Hill, The American Identity Explorer: Immigration and Migration
is an interactive, multimedia CD-ROM seminar and archive that explores
mass migration to and within the U.S. from the 1890s to the 1920s.
The archive is conceived as an interactive learning environment into
which individuals can enter and initiate their own explorations. Accompanied
by advanced viewing, searching, note taking, and organizing tools,
the collection provides a rich base to explore a variety of issues
and topics related to immigration, migration, and American identity.
here to learn more. |
with the Internet K-12 (LETSNET) WEB
Brainchild of Education Professor Patrick
Dickson, LETSNet is a dynamic on-line environment where teachers
can develop their understandings of and find ways to effectively
use the Internet in their classrooms. Teaching resources are organized
around classroom teachers' stories, including lesson plans, curriculum
standards and guides, pointers to e-mail discussion lists, and many
other Internet and Web materials. The stories document teachers'
feelings about their successes, lessons learned, and plans for future
Internet activities with their students.
here to visit the site. |
Research Web CD-ROM
Created in 1993 by Carrie Heeter, the VR Research
Web CD-ROM presented virtual reality research articles, digital video
of the VR prototypes and installations used in the studies, and the
questionnaires. The research articles are now online in the publications
section of the CTL web site. Studies were of players of BattleTech
and Fightertown, gender comparisons of interest in VR, and original
3D Mandala VR prototypes including Hands on Hawaii, Japanese dance
garden, and "Once Upon a 3D Time."
To Mars! CD-ROM
Created in 1989 by Carrie Heeter, Pericles
Gomes, and a team of students, Mission to Mars was the first educational
CD-ROM. It was designed in Hypercard on a Macintosh SE, in black
and white, to run on 9 inch Macintosh screens. The CD included 161
screens with rich graphical interfaces. More than 100 different
sound effects were used as audio feedback in response to mouse clicks.
At the time it seemed radical to feature an American flag and then
Soviet Union Flag flying together to Mars in the opening animation.
An audio quote by Arthur C. Clarke declared "Mars, not the
moon, will be the next frontier for manned space exploration."
here to learn more.
a Life WEB and CD-ROM
Completing a Life offers a rich resource
for people who are living with advanced illness. With over a hundred
separate topic pages linked by easy-to-use navigation tools, it
allows anyone to chart a personal pathway through the content. Users
can find the information they need most whenever
they need it.
Click here
to learn more.
Cancer Pain WEB and CD-ROM
Easing Cancer Pain empowers people with cancer
who suffer from pain by providing them with a variety of resources
to help them understand their pain and seek effective treatment.
The software highlights the personal stories of people who are being
treated for cancer pain, barriers to pain treatment, and various
causes of cancer pain, as well as providing detailed information
on approaches to pain relief.
Click here
to learn more. |
Prevention Conversations WEB
The Cancer Prevention Conversations web site
is concerned with four cancer prevention areas: nutrition, specifically
fruits, vegetables and fat content foods; physical activity; sun
exposure; and exposure to tobacco and secondary smoke.
Click here
to learn more. |
Breast Cancer Lighthouse WEB and CD-ROM
The Breast Cancer Lighthouse is designed
for women who have been newly diagnosed with breast cancer. This
calming, feminine interface contains personal stories of 14 survivors
of breast cancer as well as medical facts from health care professionals
about diagnosis, treatment and recovery.
Click here
to learn more.
Arts and Sciences WEB Sites
Initially produced by Brian Winn and currently
managed by Pete Maziak, the College of Communication Arts and Sciences
web site includes sites for the departments of Advertising, Audiology
and Speech Sciences, Communication, and Telecommunication and the
School of Journalism. These sites are database driven using a combination
of dynamic and static content. Under direction of Dean Jim Spaniolo,
the site continues to evolve and innovate in support of the college
here to visit the sites.

Michigan IT Summit 2000 and 2001 WEB
Live webcast of the Michigan IT Summits for
2000 and 2001 were organized by TC Professor Tom Muth and produced
by Brian Winn. In addition to live coverage, all talks were available
after the conference on streaming video.
here to visit the site.


and Education Outpost WEB
Developed for the Ameritech Chicago office
in 1998, the Family and Education Outpost served as a public service
and public relations web site for K-12 teachers and schools in the
5 state Ameritech region. Outstanding K-12 online resources were featured.
Ameritech technology in support of schools was highlighted. An annual
contest for best use of technology in the classroom was held. This
project was directed by Brian Winn. |
Eye View of the Legislative Service Bureau CD-ROM
Developed for the State of Michigan in 1993,
the Bird's Eye View featured a taking robin and clickable blue eggs.
The CD was used to train incoming legislators who had succeeded in
being elected and now had to learn the details of how government in
Lansing happens. The Lansing Symphony provided music to accompany
this interactive training CD-ROM. Former CTL art director Pericles
Gomes served as producer. |
Bell New Product Showcase KIOSK
The New Product Showcase was developed for
a kiosk at what started out to be Michigan Bell and became Ameritech
headquarters in Lansing. We used 3D modeling to create a walkthrough
tour, with interactive exhibits and an elevator for navigation. Now
a CTL alum working in industry, then student Timothy Mallos managed
this project. Then student Richard Grove wrote and performed the theme
song, a catchy if irreverent rock jingle titled "God I love the
phone company." |
ClickON MSU was a kiosk created for MSU Student
Affairs and Services in 1991, using a Mac II, Macromedia Director
(version 3.0) to control an interactive videodisc. The installation
was selected for exhibition at SIGGRAPH. Animated characters called
"ClickONs" competed for user attention. These creatures
were customized for the component of university life they represented.
For example, theater's ClickON was a Charlie Chaplin character.
Sports and Athletics was a fuzzy green creature waving a pompom.
A team of 13 students worked with lab director Carrie Heeter to
develop this installation.
here to learn more.
Corning PhotoFile Database
Dow Corning Photofile was an image database
using Hypercard to drive a recordable videodisc player. Developed
in 1990 by Carrie Heeter and Randy Russell, this database featured
a friendly and fun user interface inputting data into an efficient,
searchable archive. The unique sound effects for different sections
allowed for easy remote tech support (we always knew where they were)
and added some fun to corporate demos at Dow Corning. |