Spatial Kids'
Tour Of The Michigan 4H Children's Garden
Click here to visit
the site.

Our mission is to create a parallel virtual experience
that in its own virtual way is as rich in exploration, surprises,
learning, and fun as the real children's garden. The kids' tour
is an ever expanding project which links to 9 years of professional
and student software development. The interface is incredibly dense
with a single screen acting as a portal to myriad panoramas, QTVRs
garden eCards, garden videos, interactive games and stories, garden
vocabulary in American Sign Language, and information for teachers
and parents. The project embodies elegant, natural integration of
virtual and real worlds.
This project was partially supported by a grant
from the Dow Foundation. It is featured as an Apple
Learning Exchange exhibit as a virtual field trip, including
video reflections and advice for teachers on using the site with
Director of Software Development: Carrie Heeter
Content Director and Virtual Curator: "Dr. Norm" Lownds
Lead Programmer and Artist: Ben Rhodes
Lead Developer and Artist: Mihai Peteu
QTVR and Flash Panoramas: Mihai Peteu, Sulakshana Gopal, Pete Maziak,
Brian Winn, Ben Rhodes
Videographer: Pete Maziak
eCard Programming: Brian Winn, Ben Rhodes
Production Assistant: Laura Portwood-Stacer
The project involved six months of intensive programming
(and years of content development) to develop this flexible, expandable
interface. Many of the interactive games were created by students
as class projects. We wrote a series of detailed
tutorials for anyone interested in creating a similar project.
Research is underway to understand how kids and
grownups as well as boys and girls of different ages explore the
real and virtual gardens, and how these parallel explorations impact
(and hopefully enhance) each other.
The Kids Tour was selected for presentation at
a Professional Interaction Design Portfolio Panel at the 2002 International
CHI (Computer Human Interaction) conference in Minneapolis.