Darcy Greene
Principal Investigator, Comm Tech Lab
Associate Professor, School of Journalism
I have been designing experiences with the Comm Tech Lab (CTL) since
the early 1990s. Much of my work has dealt with the creation of
patient information software using the "personal stories"
model first developed in the CTL with the Breast Cancer Lighthouse
project. In addition to my work in the CTL, I am an associate professor
in the School of Journalism. My instructional focus is in visual
journalism. I teach courses in photojournalism and both print and
online publication design. I am always looking for the best ways
to tell stories using content, design and technology to meet the
needs of particular audiences. The diverse talents and interests
of those working in the CTL make it a powerful educational resource
for me to draw upon.
Current Projects:
Adolescent Suicide Prevention Initiative
Alzheimer’s Caregiver Interactive
Obesity in Mothers of Young Children
Food Challenge
a Life
Easing Cancer
Cancer Prevention
Cancer Lighthouse
Current In Progress Professional
Project Committees:
Audrey Barney, SEVEN.COM, a Web based magazine for Christian women
Rebecca Parker, Young Science, a Web based middle school science
magazine for girls
Completed Professional Projects
Jeremy Herliczek, A Taste of Freedom: A Culinary Journey with America’s
Refugees. print project, 4/04
Randy Yeip, Redesign of the Hillsdale (Mich.) Daily News, print
project, 4/02
Yuka Takamatsu, ECOKIDS, a Web based elementary school science magazine,
Rita Bowers, beautysecrets.com, a Web based fashion magazine, 6/00
Completed Professional Projects (committee
Steve Hoffman, Redesign of Olivett (MI) College Website, 9/99
Nnedi Okorafor, Images of Women in Video Games 9/99
Ogle, K., Bricker, L., Greene, D., Winn, B., Lambing, A. Completing
a Life: Content and Design Challenges in Creating Educational Multimedia
Addressing End-of-Life Care. Journal of Palliative Medicine.
Volume 6, number 5, 2003, Pp 839-848.
Ogle, K., Bricker, L., Lambing, A., Greene, D., Winn, B., Mishkin,
D. Completing a Life: An interactive multimedia resource for educating
and empowering patients and families at the end of life. Journal
of Palliative Medicine 5(1): 197. Abstract 2002.
Greene, D., Heeter, C. Personal Stories within
Virtual Environments: A Cancer Patient Information Software Case
Study. CyberPsychology and Behavior, Vol. 1, No. 3, Fall
1998. Lead article, pages 201-212.
Greene, D. Personal Stories within Virtual Environments: Creating
three Experiences in Cancer Information Software. In G. Riva, B.K.
Widerhold, E. Molinari (Eds.), Virtual Environments in Clinical
Psychology and Neuroscience: Methods and Techniques in Advanced
Patient-Therapist Interaction (pp.151-160). Amsterdam, The Netherland:
IOS Press. 1998. Book chapter.
Greene, D. Personal Stories Within Virtual Environments: Embodiment
of a model for cancer patient information software. In J. Westwood,
H. Hoffman, D. Stredney and S. Weghorst (Eds.), Medicine Meets Virtual
Reality—Art, Science, Technology: Healthcare (R)Evolution”™
(pp. 193 - 195). Amsterdam, The Netherlands:ISO Press. 1998. Proceedings
of Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 6, San Diego, California, January
28 - 31, 1998.
Conference Presentations:
Winn, B., Coleman, G., Fisher, J., Lonsberry, M., Greene, D. Fantastic
Food Challenge: Using Games to Improve Food and Nutrition Habits of
Adults. Computer Game Technology Conference, Toronto, Canada. Poster
shown on Friday, April 9th, 2004
.Winn, B., Coleman, G., Fisher, J., Lonsberry, M., Greene, D. Intrinsic
Motivation through Game Play: A Tool for Improving Food and Nutrition
Habits of Adults. Digital Games
Winn, B., Greene, D., Ogle, K., Bricker, L., Lambing, A. Completing
a Life: Content and Design Challenges in Creating Educational Multimedia
addressing End-of-Life Care. Conference Proceedings and Presentation.
EDMEDIA 2002, June 2002.
Winn, B., Greene, D., Ogle, K. Completing a Life: A Resource for Taking
Charge, Finding Comfort, and Reaching Closure. Conference Presentation.
CHI April 2002.
Ogle, K., Bricker, L., Greene, D., Winn, B., Lambing, A., Mishkin,
D. Completing a Life: An Interactive CD-ROM Patient
Resource For End-of-Life. American Society of Clinical Oncology Program/Proceedings
Publications, 2002.
Ogle, K., Winn, B., Greene, D., Mishkin, D., Bricker, L., Lambing,
A. Completing a Life Presentation. Michigan Pain Initiative Meeting,
MSU October 2001.
Ogle, K., Bricker, L., Greene, D., Winn, B., Lambing, A., Mishkin,
D., Markey, C. Completing a Life Presentation. Michigan Council Pain
Initiative (MCPI). October 2001.
Greene, D., Ogle, K., Winn, B. Completing a Life: A Resource for Taking
Charge, Finding Comfort and Reaching Closure. Medicine Meets Virtual
Reality Conference, Newport Beach, CA, January 2001.
Course Offerings:
310 Photo Journalism I
410 Photo Journalism II
336 Publication Design I
436 Publication Design II
438 Online Publishing
BA in Speech Communication, University of Washington
MFA in Graphic Design, Michigan State University
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