Brian Winn
Principal Investigator, Comm Tech Lab
Assistant Professor, Telecommunication, Information Studies, and
Brian M. Winn is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Telecommunication, Information Studies, and Media, Director of the New Media Center, and a Principal Investigator in the Communication Technology Lab at Michigan State University. Winn designs, creates, and researches interactive media design, including game design, digital game-based learning and interactive health communication. WinnÕs award-winning interactive media work has been presented, exhibited, and experienced around the world. Winn is also an accomplished teacher who became an Apple Distinguished Educator in 2001 and a Lilly Teaching Fellow in 2005. Winn serves as faculty advisor of the MSU SpartaSoft game developers student group and a coordinate of the Michigan Chapter of the International Game Developers Association.
Current Projects:
and You
Survey Engine (LSE)
Chicago Historical
Society Children's Gallery
Food Challenge
Browser/Personal Communicator
4H Children's Garden Web
InClass and Garden TalkBack
a Life
Easing Cancer
Identity Explorer
Peripheral Blood Explorer: A Computerized Atlas of Peripheral
Blood Smears
Mammalian Brain Collections
Primate Brain Library
College of Communication Sites
IT Summit 2000 and 2001
Current In Progress Thesis
Chen, Haomin. “Digital Game As An Enjoyable And Effective
Training Format In Preparing For Business Travel.”
Defense date to be determined.
Ananthakrishnan, Siddharth. “Wicked Chess A Single
Player Online Rendition And Modification Of The Game Of Chess.”
Defense date to be determined.
Luis Rosero. “Web-based Multiplayer Game.” Defense
date to be determined.
Prince, Robert. “Documentary on the Dutch Resistance During
WWII.” Defense date yet to be determined.
Geraud Plantegenest. “An Electronic Quit Smoking Coach: Designing
Computer Agents as Persuasive Social Actors.” Defense date
to be determined.
Geismann, Holly. “Guidelines for Documentary Production:
Creating a DVD Teaching Tool for Instructors & Students of the
Media Arts.” Defense date to be determined.
Nimsritrakul, Sitthiporn. “A Video Drama: Presentation by
DVD.” Defense date to be determined.
Tim O'Brien. "Interactive
Jazz DVD." Defense date to be determined.
Wang, Anna. “Chinese in San Francisco-Bay Area: Gold Mountain,
Silicon Valley Video Documentary.” Defense date to be determined.
Block, Matt. “How Do Instructional Techniques Empower Students
to Take Leadership Roles in a Traditional Classroom and an Online
Classroom?” Defense date to be determined.
Completed Thesis Projects
Asuka Nakagawa. “Using
Digital Storytelling For Intermediate Japanese Language Learning.”
Defended Summer 2004.
Jesse Richard Page. “3D Interactivity Vs. 2D Interactivity:
Using 3D Technology For Web Navigation.” Defended Summer 2004.
Hamlin, Jeff. “The Process and Methodology of Distributing
Independent Films on DVD.” Defended Summer 2004.
Tye, Jason. "Methods
and Considerations in Designing a Web-Based Real-Time Strategy Game."
Defended Summer 2004.
Kwak, Su. “Designing
A Handheld Interactive Scavenger Hunt Gameto Enhance Museum Experience.”
Defended Summer 2004.
Park, Insu. “Toward
true interoperability in Streaming Media: an interactive educational
resources on MPEG-4.” Defended Fall 2003.
Chen, Yi-Ju Kay. “Journey
to the West: An Introduction of Chinese Mythology to American Taiwanese
Children using Interactive Multimedia”. Defended Fall
Fisher, John. “Methods
and Considerations in Online Game Design.” Defended
Summer 2003.
Malinowski, Robert. “3D
K9 Using QuickTime VR to Teach Canine Skeletal Anatomy.”
Defended Spring 2003.
Chun, Jiae. “Kosta Webcasting: Webcasting As An Medium To
Deliver Dynamic Presentation.” Defended Spring 2002.
Completed Thesis Projects (committee member):
Ramchandran, Aparna. “Plant
Scanner: A Handheld Pda Using Rfid Tags For Child Visitors To The
Michigan 4-H Children's Garden.”
Defended Summer 2004.
Yu-Feng Chen. “Who Is Singing On The Hill - Yen Chih-Wen
And New Hakka Music.” Defended Summer 2004.
Michael Sangyeob Lee. "Interactive Storytelling: Blending
Automatic and Query Driven Exploration of an integrated set of Video
Narratives." Defended Summer 2004.
Patricia Banyas. “Informing Hybrid Course Design Decisions:
A Comparison of Student Reactions to Different Online Components
in a Hybrid Versus Wholly In Person Course. Defended Spring 2004.
Feder, Jeff. “Virtual
Rush: Fraternity Rush Via 3D Virtual Reality”. Defended
Fall 2003.
Montgomery, Michelle. “Development And Pilot Testing Of A
Computerized Atlas Of Peripheral Blood Smears As A Job Aid For Practicing
Clinical Laboratory Scientists.” Defended Spring 2003.
Tai, Chia-Yu Charlie. “Temples
Of Taipei A Handheld Tour Guide For Pocket PC.” Defended
Spring 2003.
Tang, Ming. “Spatial Interface And Interpersonal Interface
Design. Defended Fall 2002.
Ogle, K., Bricker, L., Greene, D., Winn, B., Lambing,
A. Completing a Life: Content and Design Challenges in Creating
Educational Multimedia Addressing End-of-Life Care. Journal of Palliative
Medicine. Volume 6, number 5, 2003, Pp 839-848.
Ogle, K., Bricker, L., Lambing, A., Greene, D., Winn, B., Mishkin,
D. Completing a Life: An interactive multimedia resource for educating
and empowering patients and families at the end of life. Journal
of Palliative Medicine 5(1): 197. Abstract 2002.
Winn, B., Lownds, N., and Heeter, C. 4-H Children's Garden Kids
Tour. Peer-reviewed permanent exhibit in the Apple Learning Interchange,
live online since July 2002 as part of Apple
Learning Interchange.
Sudheimer, K., Winn, B., Shoaps, J., Davis, K., Fobbs, A., Johnson,
J. Three-dimensional MRI atlas of the human brain for classroom
use. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 27: 855.7 2001.
Johnson, J., Sudheimer, K., Davis, K., Osborn, C., Winn, B., Fobbs,
A., Humblot, N. Online atlas of the sheep brain for use in classes
in neuroscience. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 26:21.10. 2000.
Winn, B., Heeter, C., and Kurtz, A. Tools
for Thought. White paper about the Immigration Explorer
CTL Project prepared for Apple Computer and Adobe, 1996.
Heeter, C., Rampoldi, L., and Winn,
B. . Recall
and Mental Models:Designing a User Interface to effect memory
Report, 1996.
Winn, B. and Heeter, C. "Pathways
to Learning: A knowledge encoding and retrieval tool."
Master's Thesis. Michigan State University, 1995.
Conference Presentations:
Winn, B. Games to Improve the Mind and Body. Games
for Health Conference. Madison, WI. September 2004.
Woody, J., Luzio, R., Winn, B. Harfmann, A., Simkins, H., Groeling,
T., Friedman, L. Digital Ideation and Planning: Enhancing the Digital
Media Design and Production Process. Apple Distinguished Educators
Camp 2004. Monterey, CA. July 2004.
Winn, B., Coleman, G., Fisher, J., Lonsberry, M., Greene, D. Fantastic
Food Challenge: Using Games to Improve Food and Nutrition Habits
of Adults. Computer Game Technology Conference, Toronto, Canada.
Poster shown on Friday, April 9th, 2004.
Winn, B., Fisher, J. Design of Communication, Competition, and
Collaboration in Online Games. Computer Game Technology Conference,
Toronto, Canada. Paper presentation on April 8th, 2004.
Heeter, C. Winn, B. Egidio, R. Girls as Game Designers: What choices
do they make? Computer Game Technology Conference, Toronto, Canada.
Paper presented on Thursday, April 8th, 2004.
Winn, B., Laird, J, Parker, J., Phelps, A. Academic Forum on Game
Development. Computer Game Technology Conference, Toronto, Canada.
Panel discussion on Thursday, April 8th, 2004.
Dickson, P., Heeter, C., Winn, B., Zhao, Y. What Should Higher
Education Learn from Games? National Learning Infrastructure Initiative's
2004 Annual Meeting: New Learning Ecosystems, San Deigo, CA.
Panel Presentation to be presented January 26, 2004.
Winn, B., Coleman, G., Fisher, J., Lonsberry, M., Greene, D. Intrinsic
Motivation through Game Play: A Tool for Improving Food and Nutrition
Habits of Adults. Digital Games Research Conference, Utrecht, The
Netherlands. Exhibited on Thursday, November 6, 2003.
Coleman, G., Winn, B., Fisher, J., Lonsberry, M. Utilizing digital
games to teach food and nutrition. Society for Nutrition Education
Conference, Philadelphia, PA. July 29, 2003.
Sudheimer, K., Winn, B,, Johnson, J. Online Brain Atlases with
Facility for Cross-Species Comparison of Neuroanatomical Features.
Slice of Life Workshops, for Medical Multimedia Developers and Educators.
Drexel University and University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia,
PA June 24-28 2003.
Heeter, C., Winn, B., Egidio, R., Mishra, P., Lownds, N. Girls
as Space Game Designers: Extreme baseline research. Designing for
User Experience Conference, San Francisco, CA. June 5, 2003.
Montgomery, M., Winn, B., Doig, K. Computerized Atlas of Peripheral
Blood Smears as a Job Aid. Poster presentation and atlas demonstration.
Clinical Laboratory Educators’ Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana,
March 6-8, 2003
Winn, B. Adding Fun to Digital Media Art & Technology Curriculum.
Academic Summit at the Game Developers Conference 2003, San Jose,
CA. March 5, 2003.
Winn, B. Creating Internships for Students and Faculty. Academic
Summit at the Game Developers Conference 2003, San Jose, CA.
March 5, 2003.
Winn, B., Greene, D., Ogle, K., Bricker, L., Lambing, A. Completing
a Life: Content and Design Challenges in Creating Educational Multimedia
addressing End-of-Life Care. Conference Proceedings and Presentation.
EDMEDIA 2002, June 2002.
Johnson, J., Sudheimer, K., Winn, B. Online Electronic Atlases
of Human, Dolphin and Sheep Brains. Slice of Life 2002 Conference
for Medical Multimedia Developers and Educators / Toronto, Ontario,
Canada / June 18-22, 2002
Winn, B., Greene, D., Ogle, K. Completing a Life: A Resource for
Taking Charge, Finding Comfort, and Reaching Closure. Conference
Presentation. CHI April 2002.
Ogle, K., Bricker, L., Greene, D., Winn, B., Lambing, A., Mishkin,
D. Completing a Life: An Interactive CD-ROM Patient Resource For
End-of-Life. American Society of Clinical Oncology Program/Proceedings
Publications, 2002.
Winn, B. Building an Industry Standard Digital Media Lab. League
of Innovation Conference on Information Technology, Minneapolis,
MN. November 16, 2001.
Winn, B. Building an Industry Standard Digital Media Lab. Educause
2001, Indianapolis, IN. October 29, 2001.
Ogle, K., Winn, B., Greene, D., Mishkin, D., Bricker, L., Lambing,
A. Completing a Life Presentation. Michigan Pain Initiative Meeting,
MSU October 2001.
Ogle, K., Bricker, L., Greene, D., Winn, B., Lambing, A., Mishkin,
D., Markey, C. Completing a Life Presentation. Michigan Council
Pain Initiative (MCPI). October 2001.
Winn, B. Introducing Internet and New Media into Telecomm. Curriculum.
NCTA Cable 2001 Conference, Chicago, IL, June 9, 2001.
Greene, D., Ogle, K., Winn, B. Completing a Life: A Resource for
Taking Charge, Finding Comfort and Reaching Closure. Medicine Meets
Virtual Reality Conference, Newport Beach, CA, January 2001.
Johnson, J., Morris, J., Gorayski, P., Sheppard, S., Carloni, R.,
Winn, B., Welker, W., Dizack, C., Graeme, K., Fobbs, A., Noe, A.
Website Access to Museum Specimens for use in Neuroscience Classrooms
and Laboratories. Computers In Healthcare Education Symposium and
"Slice Of Life" Workshop, Philadelphia, Pa, June 25, 1999.
Johnson, J., LeGare, M., Welker, W., Dizack, C., Graeme, K., Morris,
J., Gorayski, P., Osborn, C., Sheppard, S., Carloni, R., Winn, B.,
Fobbs, A., Noe, A. Use of Brain Collections on the Internet in Undergraduate
Instruction in Neuroscience. Annual Meeting, Society for Neuroscience,
Miami Beach, FL October 23 28, 1999 (http://www.sfn.org/).
ABSTRACT PUBLISHED AS: Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 25:270,
1999. (Abstract No. 104.55).
Johnson, J., LeGare, M., Welker, W., Fobbs, A., Noe, A., Humblot
H., Graeme, K., Dizack, C., Morris JA, Gorayski, P., Carloni, R.,
Sheppard, S., Winn, B. Osborn, C. Use of Museum Specimens in Undergraduate
and K-12 Instruction by Means of Images on the Internet. Society
for Comparative and Integrative Biology 2000 Annual Meeting, Atlanta,
GA January 5, 2000. (http://www.sicb.org). ABSTRACT PUBLISHED IN:
American Zoologist 39:34A, 1999.
Johnson, J., Sudheimer, K., Davis, K., Winn, B., Osborn, C., Welker,
W., Fobbs, A., Humblot, N. Online Atlas of the Sheep Brain for Use
in Classes in Neuroscience. Annual Meeting of the Michigan Chapter
of the Society for Neuroscience, Ypsilanti, MI / May 5, 2000: (http://www.chsbs.cmich.edu/misfn/).
Johnson, J., Sudheimer, K., Davis, K., Osborn, C., Winn, B., Welker,
W., Fobbs, A., Humblot, N. On-Line Atlas of the Sheep Brain for
use in Classes in Neuroscience. Annual Meeting, Society for Neuroscience,
New Orleans, LA November 3-9, 2000 (http://www.sfn.org/). ABSTRACT
PUBLISHED AS: Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, vol. 30, Abstract
No. 21.10.
Johnson, J., Sudheimer, K., Davis, K., Winn, B. Brain Atlas of
The Sheep On The Internet For Courses In Neurobiology. Society For
Integrative And Comparative Biology.2001 Annual Meeting, Chicago,
IL January 3-7 (http://www.sicb.org). ABSTRACT IN PRESS IN: American
Zoologist 41: P2.57
Winn, B. Designing Multimedia Curriculum, New Media Center Conference,
Boston, MA, Summer 1998.
Winn, B. Electronic Environmental Journalism. Great Lakes Environmental
Journalism Conference, Michigan State University, East Lansing,
MI, Summer 1997.
Course Offerings:
445 Digital Game Design
447 3D Graphics and Simulation
840 Foundations of Digital Media
Related URLs:
BS in Computer Science, University of Minnesota
MS in Computer Science, Michigan State University