Peggy's Husband's Outcome

No pain is how it should be

Christopher's grandmother

A motor home trip

The whole family helped

Talking to the kids

Pain clinics

Making peace

The last 36 hours

Christopher's grandmother

Christopher came to live with us when he was 14. He's 22 now and a senior at Albion College. He had one person who was really wonderful to him when he was a youngster. That was his great-grandmother. She, since that time, had a malignancy. She was in a nursing home and then she was moved to a hospital. She had excruciating abdominal pain. Bless Christopher's heart. He went up to her physician and demanded she give his grandmother something for pain. The doctor said, "Well what if we overdose her?" Christopher said to the doctor, "So what if you do. She's dying. I want my grandmother comfortable." He argued for about a half hour with her. The doctor ordered a morphine interveinous pump the last two days his grandmother was alive. She was comfortable the last two days. That came from a 22 year old boy having seen it work at home.

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